Hello and welcome aboard. So you want to meet the Captain do you? Well I am he. The very same.

My name is Phelan O'Roarke. I am the youngest son of an Irish Royal Marine Major. My father had been given a citation for bravery in battle and a land grant. He made a gift of money to myself and my brothers that we could make something of ourselves. My eldest brother, Ian, gave his to the church and joined the priesthood. James, my father's second son used his to purchase a tavern, married and settled down. And I, you say? I used mine to attend His Britanic Majesty's Royal Naval Academy and then universities on the continent. Wishing to find my fortune and make of myself a gentleman, I decided to become a gentleman of fortune and privateer. Eventually I gained the respect of my captain and the crew and was made commander of a prize. And I have been master of my own fortune since.

My real name is Jeffery Vogan. I am a Greek/Irish American (Greek on my mother's side, Irish on Da's) and recently remarried father of one, my son Derek. I am a hopeless romantic, as you can see from the picture at left. This was taken at the Great Lakes Medieval Faire where I was a street actor from 1998 through 2001. I played Captain Sir Thelonius Pfeer, a villain with a conscience. I also played Siy Guy of Gisborne during the years we did a "Robin Hood" theme and Sir Gawaine of Orkney when we did King Arthur. I enjoy singing and acting and also do historical reenactment with the Society for Creative Anachronisms. I also love Pirates and Privateers as you may have guessed by the rest of my page already.

Drop the Captain a line by e-mailing me at


and let me know what you think.