Main Deck

H.M.S. Emerald Dragon was originally a French Warship but was captured off the coast of Normandy. She was renamed the Emerald Dragon, then sailed to Portsmouth under the command of Privateer Captain Phelan O'Roarke (Who is now her current owner and commander), where she was refitted and rebuilt.

She was repaired and refitted and now prowls the waters of the Caribbean, primarily near Port Royale and Santiago, searching for enemies of the crown and merchant vessils of England's enemies. She features close set ribbing to reinforce her hull and a wider rudder than originally installed to improve her handling. Though she is a ship of the line, the modifications she has undergone giver her a handling closer compaired to a frigate.

This is the main Deck of the ship. All persons coming aboard come here first. As she is a Warship and not a merchant her passenger accommodations are spartan at best.

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Captain Phelan O'Roarke

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